Renew, Restore, Rewild

Making Space for Nature

Creating healthy and resilient neighborhood ecosystems

“Because food for all animals starts with the energy harnessed by plants, the plants we grow in our gardens have the critical role of sustaining, directly or indirectly, all of the animals with which we share our living spaces.”

– Doug Tallamy, Bringing Nature Home

Tools and Downloads

Native Plant Flowering Times

An interactive tool to explore the flowering times and bloom colors of native plants in the Northern Piedmont ecoregion (Please note: the tool takes a while to load; we are working to make data extraction more efficient.)

Educational Signs

Signs can help educate neighbors and visitors about the importance of native plants and low-maintenance landscapes for supporting pollinators, birds, and healthy ecosystems.

Links to Resources

There are great tools and resources available for learning more about native plants in the Mid-Atlantic and their use in multiple contexts, including our gardens, parks, and even along our streets and highways.

Where to buy native plants?

There are excellent native plant nurseries in the DC metropolitan area, as well as online sources for native plants and seeds. Hopefully native plant sale events will resume in 2021 as well!